Monday, 30 January 2012

Colour Palette Ideas

Colour Palettes

I plan to use a conventional colour palette of 3 colours. i want to use black as one of the main colours, as elements of this will help make things stand out; eg masthead outline and cover lines.
I want the second colour to be a really bright colour such as orange, fuchsia pink or bubblegum blue; these will reflect the bright, vibrant and fresh mood and appearance i want for my magazine. these colours are also related to the pop music genre i have chosen.
The third colour i use will be white, because i want a plain white background on my cover to keep it looking clean and uncluttered.
However, i may also add in other elements with different colours; such as the colours within the outfit worn by the cover model.

Artist Profile

My cover artist is Sapphire; a 20 year old, talented pop singer with an individual style and unique voice. Her main influences are Jessie J and Lady Gaga; who inspire her style and fashion sense. She also takes inspiration from her idols; Beyonce, Adele and Nicki Minaj; strong willed and independent female arists who have many talents and dance and write music as well as singing. She got into pop music at a young age and has always been a fan of strong female artists such as Rihanna, Britney Spears, Beyonce and Pink. She grew up in the midlands, in a nice house with her parents, two sisters and their dog, Bruno. She went to a local schools and left high school having achieved 10 GCSE's, 2 As Levels and 3 A-levels. She went to Demonfort University to study fine art; but left in her 3rd year after being scouted at a local talent competition, which lead to Sapphire getting signed by a top music production company in London. She now lives in central London.

Sunday, 29 January 2012



These are some of my ideas for typography. I want to use a large bold text so that it stands out clearly on the page. I want block letters in block colour to emphasise the masthead.

Typical Reader Profile

My typical reader would be Charlotte Smith, a 17 year old student. Her main interests are fashion and music, she likes to take inspiration for her style from the music she listens to and her favourite artists. Her idols are strong female role models such as Jessie J, Adele, Lady Gaga and Beyonce. Charlotte likes these artists because they're independent and head-strong; they all have unique styles which make them stand out. They also all write most of their own music, making them inspirational as they have talent in song writing as well as singing. Charlotte also likes these artists as they are real women; they do not in anyway promote fakery or being perfect. Instead, they show who they really are and aren't afraid of what people think, they do not waste away from eating disorders caused by the pressure of fame but, instead, stay strong and true to themselves. Charlotte is trendy and tends to keep up with mainstream trends; she shops in high-street stored such as Topshop, H&M, River Island and Zara.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Pitch Review

I think my pitch went well. I had some good feedback and felt  it helped me to develope my magazine and initial ideas. I felt that my idea was well recieved making my feel i can continue with this idea now and develope it further. I still don't have a name for my magazine and i didn't have and suggestions.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Colour And Layout

I plan to use the rule of thirds to structure the pages of my magazine.

Colour pallet ideas:
- Black, white and bubblegum blue/pink
- 'Bubblegum blue, Barbie pink, white/black

Title Ideas

Title Ideas for my magazine:

I want my magazine to have a short and catchy name that reflects the genre and mood of my magazine as well as the audience that the magazine will be aimed at. These are my ideas:

(1) Poppin' Orange

(2) OJ (orange juice)

(3)  R.O.T.M (Run of the Mill)

(4) noted.

(5) N.B.T (Next Big Thing)

(6) Fresh

(7) NRG (energy)

(8) Buzzz.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Analysis of Magazine Readership: Billboard

Billboard's Readership

Magazine  for music, entertainment and the consumer brand industries

71% of their readers are aged between 25 and 54, making this their target audience.
82% of their readers are college graduates
61% are members of one or more association such as BMI, ASCAP, SESAC, RIAA, NARIP, AAAA, AMPAS ect
71% percent of readers have responded to one or more ads in a billboard magazine
The readers of their magazine have a yearly household income average of $278,620

Friday, 20 January 2012

Genre and Target Audience for my Magazine

Genre and Target Audience

My magazine will be aimed at a target audience of mainstream pop fans. I want my magazine to have a broad cover of music genres for those who have a broader music taste and don't stick to a specific genre as I think there are very little magazines which cater for this. However, I also want to keep my magazine quite mainstream to ensure a broader audience and to encorpourate chart influences. An audience of mainstream music fans will also allow me to to take inspiration for my model from well-know singers and bands. My inspiration for genre and target audience from Billboard and Rolling Stone, which both keep to quite mainstream, pop and chart music but do also incorporate other artists and genres occasionally.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis: Q

Q Double Page Analysis

Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis: Billboard

Billboard Double Page Analysis

Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis: Kerrang!

Kerrang Double Page Analysis

Magazine Contents Analysis: Q

Q Contents Analysis

Preliminary Analysis

(A)   What existing magazines did you look at for inspiration for your magazine? What features/ conventions did you use?
Before creating my preliminary magazine cover and contents page I looked at lots of different magazines. I then took lots of ideas from these when I created my work. I used the rule of thirds layout for my cover and contexts, which worked really well. I did this because the majority of magazines I looked at used this layout idea and they looked really affective. The colour scheme I used also stuck strongly to the 3 colour pallet rule, which I also noticed worked really well in many magazines. I took the idea for the style of my masthead from ‘Cosmopolitan’ magazine as I found they used a similar style text and pink writing throughout they’re issues and it made it look very consistent and easily recognisable.
(B)   What specific skills have you learnt/ developed during your project? Be specific.
During the making of my preliminary magazine cover and contents I improved and developed many of my computer skills as well as learning new things on Photoshop. The addition of photos on the magazine allowed me to refine my skills for cutting out pictures and moving them into the layout I want them in. I also learnt how to edit the contrast and colours within my pictures which allowed me to give them a better look.
(C)   What aspects of your Prelim work did you feel was successful?
I felt that the most successful part of my Preliminary work was the development of my skills, which came from good time management. Allowing myself more time let me work more on my Photoshop skills and play around with the final layout and accuracy of my cover and contents.
(D)   What would you improve? Explain in detail.
I would improve the overall look of my magazine as I feel it has an empty look and could do with more on the pages. I liked the idea of keeping it clean and simple and experimented with how to achieve this, but with a bit of extra time I would have liked to spend time adding more to the layout to create a more professional look. I would also add in a better background because, whilst I think white gives it a uncluttered appearance, I think my cover would have benefited from a busier background.

Magazine Contents Analysis: Billboard

Billboard Contents analysis

Magazine Contents Analysis: Kerrang!

Kerrang Contents

Magazine Cover Analysis: Q

Q cover analysis

Magazine Cover Analysis: Billboard

Billboard Cover Analysis

Magazine Cover Analysis: Kerrang!

Kerrang Cover Analysis